Freshwater Short – Mat Bowls Club
We are an informal Bowls Club, meeting on a weekly basis at the Freshwater Memorial Hall.
The idea of Short mat bowls was introduced to village Halls countrywide in the 1980’s as a low cost sport for people of all ages was realized. The Freshwater Club has approx. 18 paid up members,
(Male and Female) from all over the West Wight area.
We meet nearly 50 weeks a year on Thursday afternoons, meet and set up at 12.45, to be ready to play by 1.00pm.We stop for tea/coffee etc at 2.30 approx., and finish by 4.00 pm. We keep our members up to date with any current matches or competitions we have been invited to attend.
We do not expect members to wear uniforms, except when we play matches/ competitions, then we wear grey trousers and our new blue and silver club polo shirts. We require smooth flat sole (indoor) shoes to protect our mats.
Our Annual Membership is £20.00 (2024) and a playing fee of £4.00 a week, this includes the use of Club bowls (woods) if required as well as refreshments.
Any Enquiries can be directed to;
Stuart Sanford (Chairman) 01983 754725 or Ken Elders (Treasurer) 01983 759371
Otherwise just turn up by 1.00pm on Thursdays.